Watched Click? Makes me want a Universal Remote

I really love this show. Click makes me feel that spending time with my family is the right choice. I am now craving my way to blend my work into my family life. It is not easy. Living standards are so much higher now with price inflation everywhere but my pay is getting nowhere.
Anyway, back to the topic. Have you owned a universal remote before? I have one, old and programmable to use with old TVs and VCRs. I have since chucked it away, replacing it with my Panasonic Home Theatre remote which is able to control my ancient analog TV just as well as the universal remote, and more. However, I saw one remote this afternoon at my friendly neighborhood electronics megastore and it got me all excited.
The Logitech® Harmony 885 Advanced Universal Remote.
I've been looking to buy a HDTV for some time now (still saving up LOL), and I've always hated having to use multiple remotes to control the volume and surround effect on the Home Theatre, switch the channels on my cable set-top box, or adjust the TV's picture settings. Harmony 885 seems to be able to do it all. Yea, that's what I'm talking about, a 'real' universal remote.
It has this Patented Smart State Technology® which allows the Harmony remote to completely control an entertainment system by knowing how to control each separate component while tracking the current state of up to 15 devices simultaneously. With a color LCD display and a low-profile recharging station, the Harmony® 880 Remote will match your most advanced audio-video components perfectly.
See it and try it yourself. You might like it too! Oh, btw, I do not work for Logitech or earn money by advertising for them, I just really like this one!
For those who are too rich, you can go for RTI's T2-C touchscreen controller
Either the industry players are way overestimating the market for USD$800 touchscreen home theater remotes, or it's a good time to sell these, but RTI's latest, the T2-C, is not just any little old remote. Popping in with a 200MHz XScale processor, 16MB flash memory, cradle, and backlit keys and an interface that makes it look more cellphone than remote, is it really any wonder they want you to invest the price of a PC in this thing? Ok, so it's a big wonder, but something tells us someone out there will be that crazy err... happy and satisfied customer.
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